Blog MaxRevit

Tips on how to solve problems and optimize workflow in Revit and 3DS Max

Emilia Dudzińska

In both big and small investments furniture schedule by room is especially important. It helps not only to assess the fit-out cost of a single room but also helps during orders and deliveries. Here you can find a step by step tutorial on how to prepare such schedule:

  1. In the View tab choose Schedules and next Schedules/Quantities
  2. In a New Schedule window choose Furniture category and click OK
  3. In the Schedule Properties add to the schedule Family and Type, Count fields moving it to the right column with a green arrow
  4. Expand the list underneath Select available fields from: , choose Room and add to the schedule Room: name
  5. Using arrows underneath Schedules field sort it in the order: Room: Name, Family and Type, Count
  6. In the Sorting/Grouping tab choose Sort by: Room: Name, Then by: Family and Type. Uncheck Itemize every instance in the lower part of the window
  7. In the Formatting tab, Fields choose Count and by expanding the list in place of No calculation choose Calculate totals and choose OK

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